The Mercy Soup Kitchen of Wyandanch, Inc. located at 17 South 20th Street, Wyandanch NY 11798, serves nutritious hot lunches to our friends and neighbors in need, Monday through Friday, fifty-two weeks a year in a welcoming, comfortable environment.
We Help Feed Our Neighbors in Need
Generous people like you donate fresh foods or give financially.
We cook and prepare hot and nutritious lunches.
Together we feed people in need to make our communities better.
A day in the life of a volunteer
Our Mission
The Mercy Soup Kitchen of Wyandanch addresses the issue of hunger and need in the community by providing hot, nourishing meals in a dignified, comfortable and respectful manner to those who seek our help.
We are a volunteer, not-for-profit, non-sectarian, community-based organization who believes that all human beings are interdependent and that society heals itself by caring for the least of its brethren.
The Mercy Soup Kitchen operates a single soup kitchen in Wyandanch, Long Island, NY, serving over 26,000 free, hot noontime meals per year and an equal amount of take home meals to the homeless, disabled, elderly, children, and poor people of the community. No questions are asked of our guests. All who come to us are served with dignity and respect.
Almost all the food served is donated by local 7 – Elevens, bakeries, restaurants, markets, and community groups, or obtained through annual grants from L. I. Cares and Island Harvest. Our largest expense is rent, which is paid to the non-affiliated church in whose basement we are located.
See some of our delicious food and its preparation
“A man fell victim.. but a Samaritan traveler took him to an inn and cared for him. Go and do likewise.”
How can I support the Mercy Soup Kitchen of Wyandanch?
The Mercy Soup Kitchen relies on the generous help of our supporters and volunteers.
To contribute to our ongoing mission to help our neighbors in need, you may donate below. After all the grants and food donations, it costs us $3.96 to serve each guest a hot meal and an extra take home meal. Our annual budget is $103,000, and we rely on the generous support of our contributors to allow us to continue our mission. Thank you in advance.
Yes, I would like to help!
Many thanks, as always, for your generous and warmhearted support of the Mercy Soup Kitchen of Wyandanch!